Browse result page of PRRDB 2.0

ST_IDName of ReceptorPDBIDOrganismDescription
ST_0333CD52JOPHomo sapiensSolution structure of the N-terminal extracellular domain of the lymphocyte receptor CD5 (CD5 domain 1)
ST_0334CD51UNLHomo sapiensStructural mechanism for the inhibition of CD5-p25 from the roscovitine, aloisine and indirubin
ST_0335CD52JA4Homo sapiensCrystal structure of CD5 domain III reveals the fold of a group B scavenger cysteine-rich receptor
ST_0336CD52JP0Homo sapiensSolution structure of the N-terminal extraceullular domain of the lymphocyte receptor CD5 calculated using inferential structure determination (ISD)
ST_0337CD52OTTHomo sapiensCrystal structure of CD5_DIII