The Pepstr server predicts the tertiary structure of small peptides with sequence length varying between 7 to 25 residues. The prediction strategy is based on the realization that β-turn is an important and consistent feature of small peptides in addition to regular structures. Thus, the methods uses both the regular secondary structure information predicted from PSIPRED and β-turns information predicted from BetaTurns. The side-chain abgles are placed using standard backbone-dependent rotamer library. The structure is further refined with energy minimization and molecular dynamic simulations using Amber version6.

Usage: Paste your one-letter amino acid sequence in the textarea provided below..
Sequence name :

Choose the peptide environment:

Paste the peptide sequence below : Help

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Important : Please read before resubmitting your peptide on PEPstr.
PEPstr is computer intevise server due to energy minimization techniques. Thus we put all requests in que (running in parrllel is not possible) and server execute requests one-by-one based on first-cum-first serve. As we are getting lot of requests daily so server is taking lot of times (some time days or weeks) depending on load. In addition, users are submitting their peptide again and again, which is increasing load on server and increasing response time. Please donot resubmit your peptide again wait for few-days.

Please cite following paper if you are using this server
Kaur, H., Garg, A. and Raghava, G. P. S. (2007) PEPstr: A de novo method for tertiary structure prediction of small bioactive peptides. Protein Pept Lett. 14:626-30.