MitPred is a web-server specifically trained to predict the proteins which are destined to
localized in mitochondria in yeast and animals particularly. The prediction is made on basis of either occurence of Pfam domain(s) or
homology to an experimentally annotated proteins or ab-initio prediction on the basis of amino
acid composition. Domain search is being done my HMMER (hidden Markov Models based search) while
homology search by BLAST. Since both of these methods rely on the presence of experimetally
annotated examples which can be limiting in their absence, hence provision of SVM based prediction
is also kept. The prediction result will be displayed on web browser or can also be e-mailed to the email-id
provided by the user.
If you are using this server please site: Kumar M, Verma R, Raghava GPS. (2005) Prediction of mitochondrial proteins using support vector machine and hidden Markov model. J Biol Chem. 281:5357-63.