Primary information |
sequence ID | Seq_7474 |
Peptide sequence | SPLFMGKVVNPTQ |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID748, CancerPDF_ID1618, CancerPDF_ID1619, CancerPDF_ID2821, CancerPDF_ID2822, CancerPDF_ID9502, |
PMID | 19795908,21136997,21136997,21136997,21136997,21533267 |
Protein Name | Alpha-1-antitrypsin,Alpha-1 protease inhibitor,Alpha-1 protease inhibitor,Alpha-1 protease inhibitor,Alpha-1 protease inhibitor,Alpha-1-antitrypsin |
UniprotKB Entry Name | A1AT_HUMAN,NA,NA,NA,NA,A1AT_HUMAN |
Fluid | Plasma,Serum,Serum,Plasma,Plasma,Serum |
M/Z | 709.38,1416.74352,1432.73844,1416.7435,1432.7384,709.38 |
Charge | 2,1,1,1,1,2 |
Mass (in Da) | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
fdr | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Profiling Technique | LC-MS,LC-MS,LC-MS,LC-MS,LC-MS,LC-MS |
Peptide Identification technique | MALDI-TOF/TOF,LC-MS-MS/MS,LC-MS-MS/MS,LC-MS-MS/MS,LC-MS-MS/MS,LC/MS/MS |
Quantification Technique | LC-MRM (multiple reaction monitoring),LC-ESI-MS,LC-ESI-MS,LC-ESI-MS,LC-ESI-MS,Multiple Reaction Monitoring |
Labelled/Label Free | Labelled,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free |
FDR | less than 7%,NA,NA,NA,NA,1.49 |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID748, CancerPDF_ID1618, CancerPDF_ID1619, CancerPDF_ID2821, CancerPDF_ID2822, CancerPDF_ID9502, |
p-Value | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Software | FlexAnalysis 3.0 and Biotools 3.0 software,MASCOT(v. 2.2.01),MASCOT(v. 2.2.01),MASCOT(v. 2.2.01),MASCOT(v. 2.2.01),MASCOT |
Length | 13,13,13,13,13,13 |
Cancer Type | Ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas (DAP),Colorectal cancer,Colorectal cancer,Normal,Normal,Lung adenocarcinoma |
Database | NCBI refseq Protein Database,SwissProt Database,SwissProt Database,SwissProt Database,SwissProt Database,Swissprot Database (57.4) |
Modification | NA,NA,Oxidation of Met,NA,Oxidation of Met,NA |
Number of Patients | "40 normal, 26 patients",30 patients and 30 healthy controls,30 patients and 30 healthy controls,27 healthy individuals,27 healthy individuals,62 lung adenocarcinoma and 30 healthy control |
Regulation | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Differentially expressed between earlier-stage lung cancer group (stage-I, II, and IIIa) vs normal" |
Validation | NA,Leave One out Cross validation,Leave One out Cross validation,Leave One out Cross validation,Leave One out Cross validation,MRM-based validation of 19 candidates |
Sensitivity | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Specificity | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Accuracy | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Peptide Atlas | PeptideAtlas |
IEDB | 439314