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Details of CancerPDF entry with Sequence HWESASLL
Primary information
sequence IDSeq_3585
Peptide sequenceHWESASLL
CancerPDF_ID CancerPDF_ID23, CancerPDF_ID1039, CancerPDF_ID1555, CancerPDF_ID8552, CancerPDF_ID8553, CancerPDF_ID9606, CancerPDF_ID11621,
Protein NameComplement C3f,Complement C3f,Complement C3,Complement C3f,Complement C3f,Complement C3,Complement C3
Mass (in Da)942.47,NA,NA,943.05,957.07,NA,NA
Peptide Identification techniqueQ/TOF MS/MS,Q/TOF/TOF and LC-MS/MS,LC-MS-MS/MS,FT-ICR MS/MS + nano-HPLC,FT-ICR MS/MS + nano-HPLC,LC/MS/MS,LC-MS/MS
Quantification TechniqueNA,NA,LC-ESI-MS,NA,NA,Multiple Reaction Monitoring,NA
Labelled/Label FreeLabel Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free
FDRNA,less than 1 “5,NA,NA,NA,1.49,FDR 1 %
CancerPDF_ID CancerPDF_ID23, CancerPDF_ID1039, CancerPDF_ID1555, CancerPDF_ID8552, CancerPDF_ID8553, CancerPDF_ID9606, CancerPDF_ID11621,
SoftwareMASCOT,MASCOT (v 2.0.04 for Windows),MASCOT(v. 2.2.01),MASCOT,MASCOT,MASCOT,SEQUEST and Maxquant
Cancer TypeMetastatic thyroid carcinomas,"Advanced Prostate, Breast and Bladder cancer",Colorectal cancer,"Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer","Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer",Lung adenocarcinoma,Melanoma
DatabaseNCBI refseq Protein Database,NCBI refseq Protein Database,SwissProt Database,NA,NA,Swissprot Database (57.4),SwissProt Database
ModificationNA,NA,NA,NA,Methyaltion at H1,NA,NA
Number of Patients40 metastatic thyroid carcinoma patients and 40 normal for training phase and 10 metastatic thyroid carcinoma and 10 normal individuals for independent validation,"Advanced prostate (n = 32), breast (n = 21), and bladder (n = 20) cancer, 33 healthy",30 patients and 30 healthy controls,"Breast Cancer =84, lung cancer= 70, Rectal cancer = 30patients; 500 healthy","Breast Cancer =84, lung cancer= 70, Rectal cancer = 30patients; 500 healthy",62 lung adenocarcinoma and 30 healthy control,8 cancer samples and 4 healthy samples
RegulationDifferentially expressed between cancer vs normal samples,"For Breast (Lower) and for Bladder (Higher) Differential ion intensity in cancer compare to normal with Ratio of median intensity (patients/Controls) = 1.74, 5.18 and 0.58 in prostate, bladder and breast cancer respectively",NA,NA,NA,"Differentially expressed between earlier-stage lung cancer group (stage-I, II, and IIIa) vs normal","Present in 8 cancer samples out of 8 cancer samples. ,Present in 4 healthy samples out of 4 healthy samples."
ValidationIndependent validation,Independent validation,Leave One out Cross validation,NA,NA,MRM-based validation of 19 candidates,na
Sensitivity95% on independent dataset,97.5% on independent validation dataset,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA
Specificity95% on independent dataset,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA
AccuracyNA,97.5 % on validation dataset,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA
Peptide AtlasNA