Primary information |
sequence ID | Seq_3585 |
Peptide sequence | HWESASLL |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID23, CancerPDF_ID1039, CancerPDF_ID1555, CancerPDF_ID8552, CancerPDF_ID8553, CancerPDF_ID9606, CancerPDF_ID11621, |
PMID | 16896061,16395409,21136997,23667664,23667664,21533267,26992070 |
Protein Name | Complement C3f,Complement C3f,Complement C3,Complement C3f,Complement C3f,Complement C3,Complement C3 |
Fluid | Serum,Serum,Serum,Serum,Serum,Serum,Serum |
M/Z | 942.44,942.44,941.46068,941.46,955.48,471.73,941.46068 |
Charge | 1,1,1,1,1,2,NA |
Mass (in Da) | 942.47,NA,NA,943.05,957.07,NA,NA |
fdr | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Peptide Identification technique | Q/TOF MS/MS,Q/TOF/TOF and LC-MS/MS,LC-MS-MS/MS,FT-ICR MS/MS + nano-HPLC,FT-ICR MS/MS + nano-HPLC,LC/MS/MS,LC-MS/MS |
Quantification Technique | NA,NA,LC-ESI-MS,NA,NA,Multiple Reaction Monitoring,NA |
Labelled/Label Free | Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free |
FDR | NA,less than 1 “5,NA,NA,NA,1.49,FDR 1 % |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID23, CancerPDF_ID1039, CancerPDF_ID1555, CancerPDF_ID8552, CancerPDF_ID8553, CancerPDF_ID9606, CancerPDF_ID11621, |
p-Value | 1.00E-05,6.77E-21,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Software | MASCOT,MASCOT (v 2.0.04 for Windows),MASCOT(v. 2.2.01),MASCOT,MASCOT,MASCOT,SEQUEST and Maxquant |
Length | 8,8,8,8,8,8,8 |
Cancer Type | Metastatic thyroid carcinomas,"Advanced Prostate, Breast and Bladder cancer",Colorectal cancer,"Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer","Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer",Lung adenocarcinoma,Melanoma |
Database | NCBI refseq Protein Database,NCBI refseq Protein Database,SwissProt Database,NA,NA,Swissprot Database (57.4),SwissProt Database |
Modification | NA,NA,NA,NA,Methyaltion at H1,NA,NA |
Number of Patients | 40 metastatic thyroid carcinoma patients and 40 normal for training phase and 10 metastatic thyroid carcinoma and 10 normal individuals for independent validation,"Advanced prostate (n = 32), breast (n = 21), and bladder (n = 20) cancer, 33 healthy",30 patients and 30 healthy controls,"Breast Cancer =84, lung cancer= 70, Rectal cancer = 30patients; 500 healthy","Breast Cancer =84, lung cancer= 70, Rectal cancer = 30patients; 500 healthy",62 lung adenocarcinoma and 30 healthy control,8 cancer samples and 4 healthy samples |
Regulation | Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal samples,"For Breast (Lower) and for Bladder (Higher) Differential ion intensity in cancer compare to normal with Ratio of median intensity (patients/Controls) = 1.74, 5.18 and 0.58 in prostate, bladder and breast cancer respectively",NA,NA,NA,"Differentially expressed between earlier-stage lung cancer group (stage-I, II, and IIIa) vs normal","Present in 8 cancer samples out of 8 cancer samples. ,Present in 4 healthy samples out of 4 healthy samples." |
Validation | Independent validation,Independent validation,Leave One out Cross validation,NA,NA,MRM-based validation of 19 candidates,na |
Sensitivity | 95% on independent dataset,97.5% on independent validation dataset,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Specificity | 95% on independent dataset,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Accuracy | NA,97.5 % on validation dataset,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Peptide Atlas | NA |
IEDB | 533899