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Details of CancerPDF entry with Sequence HFFFPKSRIV
Primary information
sequence IDSeq_3415
Peptide sequenceHFFFPKSRIV
CancerPDF_ID CancerPDF_ID89, CancerPDF_ID1087, CancerPDF_ID11567, CancerPDF_ID12717,
Protein NameCLUSTERIN precursor,Clusterin precursor,Clusterin,Clusterin
Mass (in Da)1277.71,NA,1277.720005,NA
Peptide Identification techniqueQ/TOF MS/MS,Q/TOF/TOF and LC-MS/MS,LC-MS/MS,LC-MS/MS
Quantification TechniqueNA,NA,NA,NA
Labelled/Label FreeLabel Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free
FDRNA,less than 1 “5,FDR 1 %,NA
CancerPDF_ID CancerPDF_ID89, CancerPDF_ID1087, CancerPDF_ID11567, CancerPDF_ID12717,
p-Value1.00E-05,5.74E-20,NA,"less than 0.001,less than 0.05,0.281"
SoftwareMASCOT,MASCOT (v 2.0.04 for Windows),SEQUEST and Maxquant,Proteome Discoverer
Cancer TypeMetastatic thyroid carcinomas,"Advanced Prostate, Breast and Bladder cancer",Melanoma,Breast cancer
DatabaseNCBI refseq Protein Database,NCBI refseq Protein Database,SwissProt Database,SwissProt Database
Number of Patients40 metastatic thyroid carcinoma patients and 40 normal for training phase and 10 metastatic thyroid carcinoma and 10 normal individuals for independent validation,"Advanced prostate (n = 32), breast (n = 21), and bladder (n = 20) cancer, 33 healthy in training test set, In validation set 41 independent serum samples from patients with advanced prostate cancer (prostate 2 [PR2])",8 cancer samples and 4 healthy samples," 28 were diagnosed with Breast cancer, 27 remained cancer-free with BRCA carrier. Of the remaining patients, 39 were diagnosed with sporadic breast cancer (SBC), and 38 were healthy volunteers (WT)."
RegulationNA,"Upregulated in cancer vs normal with Ratio of median intensity (patients/Controls) =251, 1406 and 1 in prostate, bladder and breast cancer respectively","Present in 7 cancer samples out of 8 cancer samples. ,Present in 2 healthy samples out of 4 healthy samples.","Upregulated with the fold change of 0.39 in breast cancer vs Cancer free patients with brca mutation, Upregulated in breast cancer vs sporadic breast cancer with fold change of 1.17, Upregulated in BC vs healthy with 1.117 fold change"
ValidationIndependent validation,Independent validation,na,NA
Sensitivity95% on independent dataset,97.5% for multiclass and 100 % for binary classification system on independent validation dataset,NA,NA
Specificity95% on independent dataset,NA,NA,NA
AccuracyNA,97.5 % on validation dataset,NA,NA
Peptide AtlasNA