Primary information |
sequence ID | Seq_3048 |
Peptide sequence | GPPQQGGHPPPPQGRPQ |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID3976, CancerPDF_ID3994, CancerPDF_ID3995, |
PMID | 22809520,22809520,22809520 |
Protein Name | aPRP (phosphorylated acidic proline-rich proteins ),aPRP (phosphorylated acidic proline-rich proteins ),aPRP (phosphorylated acidic proline-rich proteins ) |
UniprotKB Entry Name | NA,NA,NA |
Fluid | Saliva,Saliva,Saliva |
M/Z | NA,NA,NA |
Charge | NA,NA,NA |
Mass (in Da) | NA,NA,NA |
fdr | 2036.07,2036.07,2036.07 |
Profiling Technique | LC-MS and iTRAQ,LC-MS and iTRAQ,LC-MS and iTRAQ |
Peptide Identification technique | MS/MS,MS/MS,MS/MS |
Quantification Technique | "2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid assay","2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid assay","2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid assay" |
Labelled/Label Free | Labelled,Labelled,Labelled |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID3976, CancerPDF_ID3994, CancerPDF_ID3995, |
p-Value | NA,NA,NA |
Software | MASCOT (v2.1.1),MASCOT (v2.1.1),MASCOT (v2.1.1) |
Length | 17,17,17 |
Cancer Type | Normal,Normal,Normal |
Database | SwissProt Database (release date 010111),SwissProt Database (release date 010111),SwissProt Database (release date 010111) |
Modification | iTRAQ8plexatN-term,iTRAQ8plexatN-term,iTRAQ8plexatN-term |
Number of Patients | NA,NA,NA |
Regulation | NA,NA,NA |
Validation | NA,NA,NA |
Sensitivity | NA,NA,NA |
Specificity | NA,NA,NA |
Accuracy | NA,NA,NA |
Peptide Atlas | PeptideAtlas |
IEDB | 437711