Primary information |
sequence ID | Seq_1729 |
Peptide sequence | EEAPSLRPAPPPISGGGY |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID848, CancerPDF_ID2120, CancerPDF_ID3464, CancerPDF_ID3646, CancerPDF_ID9764, CancerPDF_ID10319, |
PMID | 19795908,21136997,27026199,27026199,21533267,21805675 |
Protein Name | Fibrinogen beta chain,Fibrinogen beta,Fibrinogen beta chain,Fibrinogen beta chain,Fibrinogen beta chain,Fibrinogen beta chain |
Fluid | Plasma,Serum,Urine,Urine,Serum,Urine |
M/Z | 897.95,1793.89481,NA,NA,897.92,1794.8781 |
Charge | 2,1,NA,NA,2,NA |
Mass (in Da) | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
fdr | NA,NA,1793.89,1793.89,NA,NA |
Profiling Technique | LC-MS,LC-MS,"CE-MS, Micro-TOF-MS","CE-MS, Micro-TOF-MS",LC-MS,MALDI-TOF |
Peptide Identification technique | MALDI-TOF/TOF,LC-MS-MS/MS,MS-MS,MS-MS,LC/MS/MS,MALDI-TOF-MS |
Quantification Technique | LC-MRM (multiple reaction monitoring),LC-ESI-MS,NA,NA,Multiple Reaction Monitoring,NA |
Labelled/Label Free | Labelled,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free |
FDR | less than 7%,NA,NA,NA,1.49,1 |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID848, CancerPDF_ID2120, CancerPDF_ID3464, CancerPDF_ID3646, CancerPDF_ID9764, CancerPDF_ID10319, |
p-Value | NA,NA,less than 0.05,less than 0.01,NA,NA |
Software | FlexAnalysis 3.0 and Biotools 3.0 software,MASCOT(v. 2.2.01),Proteome Discoverer 1.2,Proteome Discoverer 1.2,MASCOT,NA |
Length | 18,18,18,18,18,18 |
Cancer Type | Ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas (DAP),Colorectal cancer,Bladder cancer,Bladder cancer,Lung adenocarcinoma,Muscle-invasive bladder cancer |
Database | NCBI refseq Protein Database,SwissProt Database,Uniprot Human non-redundant Database,Uniprot Human non-redundant Database,Swissprot Database (57.4),SwissProt Database |
Modification | NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA |
Number of Patients | "42 normal, 26 patients",30 patients and 30 healthy controls,451 for training (341 patients and 110 normal) and 270 for testing(168 primary UBC patients and 102 normal controls);, 425 for training(109 patients with Recurrent UBC cases and 316 negative for recurrence controls) and 211 for validation (55 UBC recurrent cases and 156 recurrent controls),62 lung adenocarcinoma and 30 healthy control,751 bladder cancer and 127 control |
Regulation | NA,NA,Differentially expressed between primary UBC and normal individual,Differentially expressed between recurrence of UBC vs recurrence control,"Differentially expressed between earlier-stage lung cancer group (stage-I, II, and IIIa) vs normal",Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal samples |
Validation | NA,Leave One out Cross validation,Independent Validation,Independent Validation,MRM-based validation of 19 candidates,Mann-Whitney tests and areas under receiver-operator characteristic |
Sensitivity | NA,NA,For testing dataset 91%,For testing dataset 88%,NA,NA |
Specificity | NA,NA,For testing dataset 68%,For testing dataset 51%,NA,NA |
Accuracy | NA,NA,For testing dataset 76%,NA,NA,NA |
Peptide Atlas | PeptideAtlas |
IEDB | |