Primary information |
sequence ID | Seq_903 |
Peptide sequence | AVAIKAMAK |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID11309, CancerPDF_ID12647, CancerPDF_ID12995, CancerPDF_ID13010, |
PMID | 26992070,26992070,20974924,20974924 |
Protein Name | Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1,Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1,Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1,Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1 |
Fluid | Serum,Serum,Plasma,Plasma |
M/Z | 901.54191,NA,902.55,918.545 |
Charge | NA,NA,2,2 |
Mass (in Da) | 902.5504016,918.542406,NA,NA |
fdr | NA,NA,NA,NA |
Profiling Technique | LC-MS,LC-MS,LC-MS,LC-MS |
Peptide Identification technique | LC-MS/MS,LC-MS/MS,LC-MS/MS,LC-MS/MS |
Quantification Technique | NA,NA,NA,NA |
Labelled/Label Free | Label Free,Label Free,Label Free,Label Free |
FDR | FDR 1 %,FDR 1 %,NA,NA |
CancerPDF_ID | CancerPDF_ID11309, CancerPDF_ID12647, CancerPDF_ID12995, CancerPDF_ID13010, |
p-Value | NA,NA,NA,NA |
Software | SEQUEST and Maxquant,"Maxquant,Proteome Discoverer",MASCOT and SEQUEST,MASCOT and SEQUEST |
Length | 9,9,NA,NA |
Cancer Type | Melanoma,Melanoma,"Multiple myeloma patients, Acute myeloid leukemia","Multiple myeloma patients, Acute myeloid leukemia" |
Database | SwissProt Database,SwissProt Database,Uniprot database,Uniprot database |
Modification | NA,NA,NA,Oxidation of methionine |
Number of Patients | 8 cancer samples and 4 healthy samples,8 cancer samples and 4 healthy samples,NA,NA |
Regulation | "Present in 4 cancer samples out of 8 cancer samples. ,Present in 3 healthy samples out of 4 healthy samples.","Present in 4 cancer samples out of 8 cancer samples. ,Present in 3 healthy samples out of 4 healthy samples.",NA,NA |
Validation | na,NA,NA,NA |
Sensitivity | NA,NA,NA,NA |
Specificity | NA,NA,NA,NA |
Accuracy | NA,NA,NA,NA |
Peptide Atlas | PeptideAtlas |
IEDB | 162034