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CancerPDF_IDPeptide seqProtein NameFluidMass/ZProfiling TechniqueCancer Type Expression RegulationPUBMED ID
CancerPDF_ID20 SSSYSKQFTSSTSYNRGDSTFESKSYKMADEAGSEADHEGTHSTKRGHAKSRPVFibrinogen alpha chainSerum5901.7MALDI-TOFMetastatic thyroid carcinomas Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal samples 16896061
CancerPDF_ID958 NANASerum5907.39MALDI-TOFColorectal cancer Upregulated in cancer vs normal 23091368
CancerPDF_ID976 NANASerum5338.71MALDI-TOFColorectal cancer Upregulated in cancer vs normal 23091368
CancerPDF_ID990 NANASerum5868.38MALDI-TOFColorectal cancer Upregulated in cancer vs normal 23091368
CancerPDF_ID1005 NANASerum5755.96MALDI-TOFColorectal cancer Upregulated in cancer vs normal 23091368
CancerPDF_ID1007 NANASerum5636.48MALDI-TOFColorectal cancer Upregulated in cancer vs normal 23091368
CancerPDF_ID1016 NANASerum5066.24MALDI-TOFColorectal cancer Upregulated in cancer vs normal 23091368
CancerPDF_ID1104 NANASerum5305MALDI-TOFPancreatic cancer Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal 19470732
CancerPDF_ID1125 NANASerum5907MALDI-TOFPancreatic cancer Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal 19470732
CancerPDF_ID1130 NANASerum5837MALDI-TOFPancreatic cancer Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal 19470732
CancerPDF_ID1131 NANASerum5959MALDI-TOFPancreatic cancer Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal and considered as signature ion 19470732
CancerPDF_ID1150 NANASerum5907MALDI-TOFPancreatic cancer Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal 19470732
CancerPDF_ID1155 NANASerum5837MALDI-TOFPancreatic cancer Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal 19470732
CancerPDF_ID1179 NANASerum5248.05MALDI-TOFLung cancer Upregulated in cancer vs normal with average expression of peptide in cancer 1.38 and in normal 1.02 21082738
CancerPDF_ID1180 NANASerum5079.93MALDI-TOFLung cancer Upregulated in cancer vs normal with average expression of peptide in cancer 1.4 and in normal 0.89 21082738
CancerPDF_ID1186 NANASerum5293.03MALDI-TOFLung cancer Upregulated in cancer vs normal with average expression of peptide in cancer 1.52 and in normal 0.91 21082738
CancerPDF_ID1474 EGVQKEDIPPADLSDQVPDTESETRILLQGTPVAQMTEDAVDAERLComplement C3Serum5005.43501LC-MSColorectal cancer NA 21136997
CancerPDF_ID3263 NANASerum5752MALDI-TOFStomach adenocarcinoma NA 21267442
CancerPDF_ID3264 NAFibrinogen alpha-chain fragmentSerum5902MALDI-TOFStomach adenocarcinoma Differentially expressed in cancer patients as cpmpare to normal 21267442
CancerPDF_ID3273 NANASerum5341MALDI-TOFOvarian cancer Differentially expressed between normal and patients 22086897
CancerPDF_ID3274 NANASerum5909.2MALDI-TOFOvarian cancer Differentially expressed between normal and patients 22086897
CancerPDF_ID3288 NANASerum5007.8MALDI-TOFOvarian cancer Differentially expressed between normal and patients 22086897
CancerPDF_ID3308 NANASerum5583.3MALDI-TOFOvarian cancer Differentially expressed between normal and patients 22086897
CancerPDF_ID3352 NANASerum5292.77MALDI-TOFNon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Upregulated in cancer vs normal 22628229
CancerPDF_ID3353 NANASerum5079.68MALDI-TOFNon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Upregulated in cancer vs normal 22628229
CancerPDF_ID3365 NANASerum5264.02MALDI-TOFNon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Upregulated in cancer vs normal 22628229
CancerPDF_ID3378 NANASerum5753.12MALDI-TOFNon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Upregulated in cancer vs normal 22628229
CancerPDF_ID3396 NANASerum5247.81MALDI-TOFNon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Upregulated in cancer vs normal 22628229
CancerPDF_ID3397 NANASerum5336.3MALDI-TOFNon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Upregulated in cancer vs normal 22628229
CancerPDF_ID8424 SSSYSKQFTSSTSYNRGDSTFESKSYKMADEAGSEADHEGTHSTKRGHAKSRPVFibrinogen alphaSerum5905.24MALDI-TOF"Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer" Frequency of peptide In lung cancer : 78.57% ; In Rectal cancer : 86.11% ; Breast cancer: 72%; In normal healthy individuals : 80.6% 23667664
CancerPDF_ID8475 NANASerum5319.96MALDI-TOF"Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer" Frequency of peptide in normal healthy : 23% 23667664
CancerPDF_ID8486 NANASerum5000.21MALDI-TOF"Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer" Frequency of peptide in lung cancer : 30% ; In breast cancer: 37%; In normal healthy individuals : 7% 23667664
CancerPDF_ID8488 NANASerum5282.44MALDI-TOF"Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer" "Frequency of peptide in rectal cancer : 66.67% , In normal healthy individuals : 1.2%" 23667664
CancerPDF_ID8497 NANASerum5291.71MALDI-TOF"Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer" "Frequency of peptide in breast cancer : 64% , In normal healthy individuals : 0.4%" 23667664
CancerPDF_ID8522 SSSYSKQFTSSTSYNRGDSTFESKSYKMADEAGSEADHEGTHSTKRGHAFibrinogen alphaSerum5333.35MALDI-TOF"Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer" NA 23667664
CancerPDF_ID8523 SSSYSKQFTSSTSYNRGDSTFESKSYKMADEAGSEADHEGTHSTKRGHAKSRPVFibrinogen alphaSerum5900.7MALDI-TOF"Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Rectal cancer" NA 23667664
CancerPDF_ID8656 NANASerum5247.62MALDI-TOF"Hepatocellular carcinoma, Liver cirrhosis, Chronic hepatitis" significantly different from that of normal 23915185
CancerPDF_ID8662 NANASerum5064.37MALDI-TOF"Hepatocellular carcinoma, Liver cirrhosis, Chronic hepatitis" significantly different from that of normal 23915185
CancerPDF_ID8664 NANASerum5805.51MALDI-TOF"Hepatocellular carcinoma, Liver cirrhosis, Chronic hepatitis" significantly different from that of normal 23915185
CancerPDF_ID11035 IHTGENPYECSECGKAFRYSSALVRHQRIHTGEKPLNGIGMSKSSLRVTTELNzinc finger protein 3 Serum5905.23MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11041 NANASerum5752.25MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11042 NANASerum5724.76MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11043 NANASerum5844.36MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11044 NANASerum5739.69MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11045 NANASerum5818.83MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11052 SSSYSKQFTSSTSYNRGDSTFESKSYKMADEAGSEADHEGTHSTKRGHAKSRPVFibrinogen alpha chainSerum5900MALDI-TOFEsophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) Upregulated in patients vs normal with mean intensity 100.55 in normal and 831.12 in cancer 26993605
CancerPDF_ID11061 NANASerum5924.6MALDI-TOFEsophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) Upregulated in ESCC patients vs control with mean intensity in cancer as 425.63 and mean intensity in normal as 50.61 26993605
CancerPDF_ID11062 NANASerum5910MALDI-TOFEsophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) Upregulated in ESCC patients vs control with mean intensity in cancer as 739.57 and mean intensity in normal as 87.40 26993605
CancerPDF_ID11063 NANASerum5882.1MALDI-TOFEsophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) Upregulated in ESCC patients vs control with mean intensity in cancer as 681.97 and mean intensity in normal as 114.65 26993605
CancerPDF_ID11073 SSSYSKQFTSST SYNRGDSTFESKSYKMADEAGSEADHEGTH STKRGHAKSRFibrinogen alpha chainBlood5910MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in gastric patients vs healthy with 45.5±13.1 intesity in cancer patients and 9.2±4.7 intensity in normal pateints 26662807
CancerPDF_ID11108 NANAUrine5514.2MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma Upregulated in pT1b compared to pT1a patients 26482227
CancerPDF_ID11117 NANAUrine5004.4MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma Downregulated in grade vs normal 26482227
CancerPDF_ID11118 NANAUrine5027.8MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma Downregulated in grade vs normal 26482227
CancerPDF_ID11119 NANAUrine5043.6MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma Downregulated in grade vs normal 26482227
CancerPDF_ID11120 NANAUrine5231.5MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma Upregulated in grade vs normal 26482227
CancerPDF_ID11131 NANAUrine5231.5MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma Upregulated in ccRCC vs normal according to primary tumor Stage 26482227
CancerPDF_ID11132 NANAUrine5578.2MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma Downregulated in ccRCC vs normal according to primary tumor Stage 26482227
CancerPDF_ID12767 NANASerum5893.8MALDI-TOFCervical cancer Upregulated in Cervical squamous cell carcinoma vs healthy 26282206
CancerPDF_ID12774 NANASerum5027.39MALDI-TOFHepatocellular carcinoma Downregulated in cancer vs Healthy 25910294
CancerPDF_ID12789 NANASerum5917.99MALDI-TOFColorectal adenoma and Colorectal carcinoma "Differential Peptide Peaks in Colorectal Cancer, Colorectal Adenoma and Health Volunteer Group" 24289627
CancerPDF_ID12791 NANASerum5906.51MALDI-TOFColorectal adenoma and Colorectal carcinoma "Differential Peptide Peaks in Colorectal Cancer, Colorectal Adenoma and Health Volunteer Group" 24289627
CancerPDF_ID12809 NANASerum5343.62MALDI-TOFColorectal adenoma and Colorectal carcinoma "Differential Peptide Peaks in Colorectal Cancer, Colorectal Adenoma and Health Volunteer Group" 24289627
CancerPDF_ID12810 NANASerum5338.47MALDI-TOFColorectal adenoma and Colorectal carcinoma "Differential Peptide Peaks in Colorectal Cancer, Colorectal Adenoma and Health Volunteer Group" 24289627
CancerPDF_ID12841 NANASerum5073.04MALDI-TOFColorectal adenoma and Colorectal carcinoma "Differential Peptide Peaks in Colorectal Cancer, Colorectal Adenoma and Health Volunteer Group" 24289627
CancerPDF_ID14267 NANASerum5008.32MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14268 NANASerum5022.55MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14269 NANASerum5026.15MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14270 NANASerum5032.97MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14271 NANASerum5049.86MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14272 NANASerum5149.58MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14273 NANASerum5163.83MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14274 NANASerum5174.29MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14275 NANASerum5320.45MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14276 NANASerum5327.39MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14277 NANASerum5339.21MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14278 NANASerum5346.44MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14279 NANASerum5352.7MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14280 NANASerum5358.43MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Upregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14281 NANASerum5858.57MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14282 NANASerum5862.99MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14283 NANASerum5869.26MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14284 NANASerum5875.44MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14285 NANASerum5880.54MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14286 NANASerum5881.57MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14287 NANASerum5888.05MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14288 NANASerum5893.17MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14289 NANASerum5895.44MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14290 NANASerum5903.45MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14291 NANASerum5916.57MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14292 NANASerum5922.78MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14293 NANASerum5924.43MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14294 NANASerum5925.4MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14295 NANASerum5931.69MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14296 NANASerum5943.94MALDI-TOFGastric cancer Downregulated in cancer vs healthy 26376850
CancerPDF_ID14330 NANASerum5263.98Magnetic bead based weak cation exchange chromatography(MB-WCX)Gastric cancer NA 21739109
CancerPDF_ID14354 NANASerum5963.91IMAC-MBBreast cancer NA 22521044
CancerPDF_ID14357 NANASerum5247.62MB-WCXHepatocellular carcinoma NA 23915185
CancerPDF_ID14363 NANASerum5064.37MB-WCXHepatocellular carcinoma NA 23915185
CancerPDF_ID14365 NANASerum5805.51MB-WCXHepatocellular carcinoma NA 23915185