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CancerPDF_IDPeptide seqProtein NameFluidMass/ZProfiling TechniqueCancer Type Expression RegulationPUBMED ID
CancerPDF_ID4054 AAKFDGILGMAYPRISVCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID4443 AYPRISVNNVLPVFDNLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID4799 FDGILGMAYPRISVCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID5147 GGVKVERQVFGEATKQPGITCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID5226 GMAYPRISVNNVLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID5227 GMAYPRISVNNVLPVFDNLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID5238 GPIPEVLKNYMDAQYYCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID5408 IAAKFDGILGMAYCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID5409 IAAKFDGILGMAYPRISVNNVLPVFDNLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID5461 IGAVPLIQGEYMIPCEKVCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID5610 KLVDQNIFSFCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID6170 MAYPRISVNNVLCATD_HUMANUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID6171 MAYPRISVNNVLPVFDNLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID6173 MDIPPPSGPLWILGDVFCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID6225 MQQKLVDQNIFSCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID6226 MQQKLVDQNIFSFCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID6235 MVGPVDEVRELQKAIGAVPLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID6436 PRISVNNVLPVFDNLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID6675 RISVNNVLPVFDNLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID6877 SGLTLCKEGCEAIVDTGTSLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID7457 TLCKEGCEAIVDTGTSLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID7786 VERQVFGEATKQPGITCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID7787 VERQVFGEATKQPGITFCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID8325 YPRISVNNVLPVFDNLCathepsin DUrineNANano-LC-MSOvarian cancer Uniquely present in case of urine of ovarian cancer patients 24982608
CancerPDF_ID10270 PRISVNNVLPVFDNLCathepsin DUrine1696.9367MALDI-TOFMuscle-invasive bladder cancer Differentially expressed between cancer vs normal samples 21805675