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CancerPDF_IDPeptide seqProtein NameFluidMass/ZProfiling TechniqueCancer Type Expression RegulationPUBMED ID
CancerPDF_ID11033 KEDIDTSSKGGCVQRNA-binding protein 6Serum1466.98MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11034 AILVDLEPGTMDSVRtubulin beta chainSerum1618.22MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11035 IHTGENPYECSECGKAFRYSSALVRHQRIHTGEKPLNGIGMSKSSLRVTTELNzinc finger protein 3 Serum5905.23MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11036 NANASerum1866.63MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Downregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11037 NANASerum3317MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Downregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11038 NANASerum6433.36MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Downregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11039 NANASerum1780.1MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Downregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11040 NANASerum1061.34MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Downregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11041 NANASerum5752.25MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11042 NANASerum5724.76MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11043 NANASerum5844.36MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11044 NANASerum5739.69MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11045 NANASerum5818.83MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11046 NANASerum4091.86MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11047 NANASerum1714.57MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Upregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11048 NANASerum1981.69MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Downregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11049 NANASerum1077.14MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Downregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985
CancerPDF_ID11050 NANASerum1547MALDI-TOFClear cell renal carcinoma "Downregulated in ccRCC, preoperative and post operative patients vs control" 25368985