Result Page of CancerHLA-I

This is the result page of CancerHLA-I for cancer type based information. This page gives the information about the query regarding cancer types, returned against the selected category. Further details of the entries can be seen by clicking on the CancerHLAI-ID. Further the user can sort the entries on the basis of various fields by clicking on the respective headers.

The total number entries retrieved from this search are 3

CancerHLAI_IDCancerHLA# Patients (Allele Present)# Patients (Allele Absent)Cox-ph coefficientHazards Ratiop-value95% CI (Lower)95% CI (Upper)C-IndexLog-Rank p-valueCarrier FrequencyMean of OS time (Presence)Mean of OS time (Absence)Mean Difference# of neoepitopesCorrelation (# neoepitopes ~ OS.time)p-value