Toolbars of MarvinSketch

The toolbars provide buttons that access some of the frequently used commands in the menus. To activate a command, click its toolbar button. If a command is unavailable, its button appears grayed-out.

Note: Place the mouse cursor over a toolbar button to see the tooltip describing its use.

General Toolbar

Rectangle Selection Allows selection in rectangle mode on mouse drag.
Lasso Selection Allows selection in lasso mode on mouse drag.
Structure Selection Allows selection in structure selection mode on mouse drag. With this selection mode only whole fragments can be selected.
Erase Removes all structures upon selection.
Undo Reverses the last command or the last entry you typed.
Redo Reverses the action of the last Undo command.
Cut Removes and copies the selection to the clipboard.
Copy Copies the selection to the clipboard.
Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the location of the cursor, without replacing selection.
Check Structure Checks and corrects chemical structures. See Structure Checker in MarvinSketch for more details.
Zoom In Increases the canvas's magnification.
Zoom Out Decreases the canvas's magnification.
Zoom Tool Changes the canvas's magnification to a specific value. It can also do autoscale using named values: All, Selection, Scaffold, R-groups.
Help Contents Shows MarvinSketch User's Guide.

Tools Toolbar

The tools consist of various command groups. The tools having chemical meaning (like bond or reaction arrow) are drawn in black lines, while strictly graphical objects are in blue. You can place for example only ONE reaction arrow on the canvas, but as many graphical arrows as you wish and they will look completely identical.

Insert Bond Places various bond types on the canvas.
Insert Chain Places a carbon chain on the canvas. The number of carbon atoms can be increased or decreased by dragging the mouse. Selection of straight or curved chain drawing is available.
Bold Tool Thickens the selected bond. See details on bold tool function.
Hashed Bond Tool Makes the selected bond hashed. It only retains single original bond type.
Insert Text Places a Text object on the canvas. Allows changing text properties on the appearing toolbar.
Insert Reaction Arrow Places various reaction arrow objects on the canvas.
Create Group Creates a custom abbreviation group.
Insert Brackets Places brackets, parentheses, chevrons or braces on the canvas.
Insert Graphics Places various graphical objects on the canvas.
Increase Charge Increases the charge of the selected atom. The number of implicit hydrogens will be adjusted if possible to accommodate the new charge. Valence errors will be highlighted in red.
Decrease Charge Decreases the charge of the selected atom. The number of implicit hydrogens will be adjusted if possible to accommodate the new charge. Valence errors will be highlighted in red.

Atoms Toolbar

Periodic System Shows periodic system and query/atom property drawing window.
Insert Hydrogen Places Hydrogen atom on the canvas.
Insert Carbon Places Carbon atom on the canvas.
Insert Nitrogen Places Nitrogen atom on the canvas.
Insert Oxygen Places Oxygen atom on the canvas.
Insert Sulfur Places Sulfur atom on the canvas.
Insert Fluorine Places Fluorine atom on the canvas.
Insert Phosphorus Places Phosphorus atom on the canvas.
Insert Chlorine Places Chlorine atom on the canvas.
Insert Bromine Places Bromine atom on the canvas.
Insert Iodine Places Iodine atom on the canvas.

Chemical Toolbar

This toolbar contains chemical functions and it is not visible by default.
To make it visible, choose View > Toolbars > Chemical.

Clean 2D Calculates new 2D coordinates for the molecule.
Clean 3D Calculates new 3D coordinates for the molecule. Clean3D builds up conformers of fragments from which the best, i.e. the lowest energy conformer is given back. The quality of the structures is measured by a simple energy function (Dreiding type molecular mechanics).
Convert to Aromatic Form Transforms the molecule to aromatic representation using the transformation method set.
Convert to Kekulé Form Transforms the molecule to non-aromatic representation.

Markush Toolbar

This toolbar contains funtions that help to work with Markush structures and it is not visible by default.
To make it visible, choose View > Toolbars > Markush.

Position Variation Bond Creates a variable point of attachment to represent a connection point to a group of atoms.
Frequency Variation Creates a Repeating Unit with Repetition Ranges.
R-group attachment Adds an attachment to the structure.

Advanced Templates Toolbar

This toolbar contains special buttons holding structure templates.
Additional functions of this toolbar:
  1. The toolbar can show different template groups.
  2. Any structure can be added to the My Templates group.
  3. Set the name of the new template.
  4. Templates without a name
  5. The template can be removed from the toolbar.

Simple Templates Toolbar

If you only wish to use the 6 generic template structures without additional functions, you can use the Simple Templates Toolbar. This toolbar is not visible by default. To make it visible, choose View > Toolbars > Simple Templates.

Cyclopentane (house)

3D editing Toolbar

Maps atoms to merge.
Merges assigned atoms.
Alters the coordinates of the molecule in order to put the 3 selected atoms of the molecule onto the plane of the canvas.
Adds new fragment to the canvas.