The mrv file format


Marvin Document Format

An mrv file may contain four elements, cml, MDocument, molecule, reaction, all of which has complex type. The elements of the complex types are shown as list items, while its attributes are written with italic under the name of the corresponding complex type name.

Escape characters

Special value of an element or attribute is escaped as follows:


Mrv files can be validated by using the XSD schema containing the description of the mrv format.

Schema Versions

Old mrv format documentation

The old description of mrv format is available here.

Export Options

The mrv has all the export options that cml has, except option ':A' (in mrv the usage of array format for the description of atoms is decided automatically upon the content of the molecule). In addition, mrv has a further export option:


Save selection. If set then the mrv output will contain which atoms and graphical objects are in selected state.

Example of MRV file exported without options:

	<?xml version="1.0"?><cml>
	<MDocument><MChemicalStruct><molecule title="Ethane" molID="m1"><atomArray atomID="a1 a2" elementType="C C" x2="0.0 0.0" y2="0.0 1.54"></atomArray><bondArray><bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"></bond></bondArray></molecule></MChemicalStruct><MRectangle id="o2"><MPoint x="-6.599999904632568" y="1.7050000429153442"></MPoint><MPoint x="-2.640000104904175" y="1.7050000429153442"></MPoint><MPoint x="-2.640000104904175" y="-0.16500000655651093"></MPoint><MPoint x="-6.599999904632568" y="-0.16500000655651093"></MPoint></MRectangle></MDocument>

Example of MRV file exported with option "S":

	<?xml version="1.0"?><cml>
	<MDocument><MChemicalStruct><molecule title="Ethane" molID="m1"><atomArray atomID="a1 a2" elementType="C C" isSelected="true true" x2="0.0 0.0" y2="0.0 1.54"></atomArray><bondArray><bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"></bond></bondArray></molecule></MChemicalStruct><MRectangle id="o2" isSelected="true"><MPoint x="-6.599999904632568" y="1.7050000429153442"></MPoint><MPoint x="-2.640000104904175" y="1.7050000429153442"></MPoint><MPoint x="-2.640000104904175" y="-0.16500000655651093"></MPoint><MPoint x="-6.599999904632568" y="-0.16500000655651093"></MPoint></MRectangle></MDocument>

Example of MRV file exported with option "P":

	<?xml version="1.0"?>
	    <molecule title="Ethane" molID="m1">
	      <atomArray atomID="a1 a2" elementType="C C" x2="0.0 0.0" y2="0.0 1.54"/>
	        <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"/>
	  <MRectangle id="o2">
	    <MPoint x="-6.599999904632568" y="1.7050000429153442"/>
	    <MPoint x="-2.640000104904175" y="1.7050000429153442"/>
	    <MPoint x="-2.640000104904175" y="-0.16500000655651093"/>
	    <MPoint x="-6.599999904632568" y="-0.16500000655651093"/>

Example of MRV file exported with options "SP":

	<?xml version="1.0"?>
	    <molecule title="Ethane" molID="m1">
	      <atomArray atomID="a1 a2" elementType="C C" isSelected="true true" x2="0.0 0.0" y2="0.0 1.54"/>
	        <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"/>
	  <MRectangle id="o2" isSelected="true">
	    <MPoint x="-6.599999904632568" y="1.7050000429153442"/>
	    <MPoint x="-2.640000104904175" y="1.7050000429153442"/>
	    <MPoint x="-2.640000104904175" y="-0.16500000655651093"/>
	    <MPoint x="-6.599999904632568" y="-0.16500000655651093"/>