Converting explicit Hydrogens to implicit

The following methods are available in chemaxon.calculations.Hydrogenize class to convert explicit hydrogens to implicit ones:

In the first three methods it is possible to define which type of Hydrogen atoms should be implicitized. By default, convertExplicitHToImplicit() removes those Hydrogens that removal does not cause information loss. This behavior can be extended with the following flags.


  1. Convert non-charged explicit hydrogens to implicit ones:
    Hydrogenize.convertExplicitHToImplicit(molecule, MolAtom.ALL_H & ~MolAtom.CHARGED_H);
  2. Remove explicit Hydrogens that connect to atoms having specified CIS or TRANS stereo information.
    Hydrogenize.convertExplicitHToImplicit(molecule, MolAtom.CTSPECIFIC_H);
  3. Remove explicit hydrogenes that have neighbor in SRU S-group:
    Hydrogenize.convertExplicitHToImplicit(molecule, MolAtom.POLYMERENDGROUP_H);
    All explicit hydrogens are converted to implicit hydrogens.
  4. Remove those explicit hydrogenes that have neighbor in Superatom S-group but the explicit hydrogen itself is not in that S-group:
    Hydrogenize.convertExplicitHToImplicit(molecule, MolAtom.SGROUPEND_H);
    After the removal of the explicit hydrogen, an S-group attachment point is taken to the S-group atom. All of the explicit hydrogens in the S-group will be replaced by implicit ones as well.



Converting implicit Hydrogens to explicit
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