reactionquerydrawing | Draw reaction query |
importexport | Core classes for import / export modules |
license | License manager |
drawing | Drawable components |
util | Frequently used utility classes |
concurrent | Concurrent processing |
logging | Extra classes for logging |
view | MarvinView GUI core classes |
sketchstart | Core classes that are called by MarvinSketch startup |
lwsketchmenu | Classes to load menu in MarvinSketch from file |
sketchmenu | Classes to load menu in MarvinSketch without file |
sketchmenubg | Extra classes for menu in MarvinSketch |
sketchbackground | Menu actions and other resources that are not required immediately by MarvinSketch startup |
sketch | Core MarvinSketch classe |
smarts | Smarts module |
nullexport | Dummy Null export module |
smilesimport | SMILES import |
molimport | MDL mol format import |
sybylexport | Tripos Sybyl export |
sybylimport | Tripos Sybyl import |
mol2export | Tripos Mol2 export |
mol2import | Tripos Mol2 import |
mrvexport | MRV export |
cmlexport | CML export |
cdximportexport | CDX import/export |
gzipexport | Gzip export |
gzipimport | Gzip import |
base64export | Base64 export |
base64import | Base64 import |
xyzexport | XYZ export |
inchi | IUPAC InChi import/export |
hydrogenize | Hydrogenize module |
pdbexport | PDB export |
spacefill | Spacefill module |
atomlabellers | Module for drawing atom labels |
superatomsgroupcoords | Superatom Sgroup Coordinates module |
threedim | 3D utility functions |
xyzimport | XYZ import |
goutimport | Gout import |
gjfexport | Gjf export |
charmmimport | CharmmGrid import |
pdbimport | PDB import |
jpegexport | Jpeg export |
msbmpexport | MS BMP image export |
pngexport | PNG image export |
ppmexport | PPM image export |
povexport | POV image export |
svgexport | SVG graphics export |
vectgraphicsexport | PDF grapics export and old EMF graphics export |
imageexport | common classes for various image export modules |
documenthandling | Document handling |
mchart | MChart module |
abbrevgroups | Abbreviation groups dialog |
reaxysgenerics | Generic groups dialog |
abbrevgroupexport | Abbreviationgroup export |
clean2d | Clean 2D |
clean3d | Clean 3D |
modelling | Modelling package |
atommapper | Mapping atoms |
singlelinerecordreader | SingleLine record reader |
nameexport | IUPAC name export |
nameimport | IUPAC name import |
peptidevmnimport | Peptide and VMN import |
peptideexport | Peptide export |
skc | Skc file format import/export |
common.swing.aboutjvm | About dialog |
common.swing.editmolfileframe | EditMolfile frame |
common.swing.exceptionframe | Exception frame | | Help dialog |
common.swing.loadsave | Load/save dialog |
common.swing.print | Print module |
common.swing.regenbonds | Regenerate bonds |
common.swing.preferences | Preferences dialog |
common.swing.fontediting | Font attributes panel |
sketch.edit | Utility for S-groups |
sketch.linesm | Polyline drawing mode |
sketch.boxsm | Rectangle drawing |
sketch.bracketsm | Bracket drawing |
sketch.swing.periodicdialog | Periodic system dialog |
sketch.swing.rlogicdialog | Rlogic dialog |
sketch.swing.groupcreationdialog | Create group dialog |
sketch.swing.attachdatadialog | Attach data dialog |
sketch.swing.textboxeditor | Text box editor |
sketch.swing.templates | Handling templates |
sketch.swing.mobjectpropertiesdialog | Graphical object properties dialog |
sketch.swing.guiconfigurationdialog | Menu configuration dialog |
view.scripter | Helper class for handling JavaScript invokes |
view.swing.viewdnd | Drag and drop in MarvinView |
view.swing.imageviewframe | Image viewer frame |
view.swing.mviewanimator | Molecule rotation in MarvinView |
view.swing.mviewframe | Popup MarvinView frame |
view.swing.mviewsketch | Popup MarvinSketch frame from MarvinView |
view.swing.printview | Additional resource for print in MarvinView |
view.swing.molsframe | Display multiple molecules in a separate frame |
view.swing.tableview | Spreadsheet table renderer |
view.swing.gridbagview | Moleculematrix table renderer |
view.swing.find | Find dialog |
view.swing.showconformers | Display conformers |
Plugin | Core and GUI classes for calculator plugins |
plugins.Alignment | Alignment plugin |
plugins.CalculationsCore | Core classes needed for calculator plugins |
plugins.Protonation | Protonations plugins |
plugins.Partitioning | Partitioning plugins |
plugins.Tautomers | Tautomer plugins |
plugins.Analysers | Analyser plugins |
plugins.MolecularModelling | Plugins for molecular modelling |
plugins.MarkushEnumeration | Markush enumeration plugin |
plugins.Other | Other plugins |
checkers | Various structure checkers |
propertyeditor | Classes for editing atom/bond/molecule properties |
jep | jep package |
icons | Icons mainly for the menus |