Marvin Services

Calculation integration as service

Services is a handy module of Marvin that helps to integrate third-party calculations* via the MarvinSketch GUI. The linked services will appear under the Tools > Services menu. The menu contains the names of the services in a formerly set order.

Figure 1. The location of the set services

Note: When no Services are set in MarvinSketch, the Tools > Services menu will be disabled.

How to use

Select the desired third-party calculation under Tools > Services. The opening new window — right of MarvinSketch — has the same title as the service name.

Figure 2. MarvinSketch window (left) with the new service window (right)

The collapsible panels of the window are the following:

Figure 3. Different output type examples

String Structure Web page

*All calculations not provided in ChemAxon's Marvin Beans or in its JChem package are referred to third-party calculations.