ToxiPred: A server for prediction of aqueous toxicity of small chemical molecules in T. pyriformis
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Toxipred Submission Form
Toxipred server allow to predict Chemical toxicity of the molecule. You may submit molecules using any of the 3 methods.
1. Sketch using JME editor.
2. Paste molecules in the box.
3. Upload file containing moleclues in standard format.
Option 2 and 3 allow users to submit more than one molecule (upto 10).
Job Name (optional) Email Address (Optional):
(Please enter your email address if you want to receive your result via email)
Method 1. Sketch Structure using JME editor 

Warning ::Your Browser is either Not Supporting Applets or Java, Kindly use a browser that understands applets
You have to enable Java and JavaScritpt on your machine !

(JME Editor courtesy of Peter Ertl, Novartis)
Method 2. Paste structure in Mol/SMILE/SDF format    

Method 3.  Upload File :    
Select the input format (If used Method 2 or 3)