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IDSequenceNameNature of peptide or cargoAssayTissue permeabilityTissue SamplePUBMED ID
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptionCalcium C-Test Wako kit, Ames method, Alkaline Phospha K-Test and ANOVAParameters studied: Ca(mg/dl)- 8.83±0.20/8.94±0.17(control), P(mg/dl)- 5.32±0.35/5.58±0.55(control) and Alkaline phosphatase- 23.69±1.16/18.83±0.75(control)Abdominal skin of female wistar rats8268857
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptionCalcium C-Test Wako kit, Ames method, Alkaline Phospha K-Test and ANOVAParameters studied: Ca(mg/dl)- 8.80±0.27/8.94±0.17(control), P(mg/dl)- 5.22±0.36/5.58±0.55(control) and Alkaline phosphatase- 22.21±4.01/18.83±0.75(control)Abdominal skin of female wistar rats8268857
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=30.99±11.75 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=371.41±159.80 , The mean residence time(h)=12.06±1.99 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=2.68.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=46.25±19.25 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=623.71±233.74 , The mean residence time(h)=13.81±2.36 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=3.99.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=36.13±21.93 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=445.49±248.06 , The mean residence time(h)=12.83±1.68 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=3.12.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=17.25±10.07 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=271.52±106.34 , The mean residence time(h)=18.16±6.19 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=1.49.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=53.50±14.96 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=752.04±298.40 , The mean residence time(h)=13.66±3.46 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=4.62.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=31.97±17.89 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=505.37±238.24 , The mean residence time(h)=16.32±2.35 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=2.76.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=40.85±20.01 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=513.32±292.53 , The mean residence time(h)=12.34±2.37 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=3.53.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=26.40±20.66 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=341.64±271.20 , The mean residence time(h)=13.91±3.02 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=2.28.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=35.0216.72 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=433.42±114.39 , The mean residence time(h)=13.37±3.66 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=3.02.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872
ElcatoninIt stimulates osteoblastic bone formation in addition to inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorptiono-cresolphthalein complexone method using Calcium C-Test Wako and 0.01 ml plasma, pharmacokinetic and statistical analysisArea under the curve(mg.h/dl)=35.23±33.53 , Area under the first moment curve(mg.h2/dl)=490.35±444.31 , The mean residence time(h)=16.31±6.88 , Apparent bioavailability(%)=3.04.Stratum corneum of the abdominal area of male Wistar rats(0.5g ointment/4 cm2/rat)2054872