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CancerPDF_IDPeptide seqProtein NameFluidMass/ZProfiling TechniqueCancer Type Expression RegulationPUBMED ID
CancerPDF_ID9830 SGFSSVSVSR"Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 6A"Serum506.75LC-MSLung adenocarcinoma "Differentially expressed between earlier-stage lung cancer group (stage-I, II, and IIIa) vs normal" 21533267
CancerPDF_ID9831 AIGGGLSSVGGGSSTIKY"Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 6A"Serum805.92LC-MSLung adenocarcinoma "Differentially expressed between earlier-stage lung cancer group (stage-I, II, and IIIa) vs normal" 21533267
CancerPDF_ID9832 AIGGGLSSVGGGSSTIKYTTTSSSSR"Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 6A"Serum806.74LC-MSLung adenocarcinoma "Differentially expressed between earlier-stage lung cancer group (stage-I, II, and IIIa) vs normal" 21533267