Browse result page of CancerPDF Database

Please click on CancerPDF_ID for detailed information about peptide.

CancerPDF_IDPeptide seqProtein NameFluidMass/ZProfiling TechniqueCancer Type Expression RegulationPUBMED ID
CancerPDF_ID101 PDAPRIKKIVQKKLAGDESADPlatelet Basic Protein PrecursorSerum2279.18MALDI-TOFMetastatic thyroid carcinomas NA 16896061
CancerPDF_ID11951 NLAKGKEESLDPlatelet basic proteinSerum1202.6143LC-MSMelanoma "Present in 8 cancer samples out of 8 cancer samples. ,Present in 4 healthy samples out of 4 healthy samples." 26992070