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CancerPDF_IDPeptide seqProtein NameFluidMass/ZProfiling TechniqueCancer Type Expression RegulationPUBMED ID
CancerPDF_ID8646 ALVETRTIVRFNRPFLMIIVPTDTQNIFFMSKVTNPKQAAlpha 1 antichymotrypsin peptide ( C terminal fragment of protein AACT)Cerbrospinal fluidNAMALDI-TOFGlioblastoma (Malignant brain tumor) Upregulated in cancer as compare to normal control 19674866
CancerPDF_ID8647 SGPRRYTIAALLSPYSYSTTAVVTNPKETransthretin ( Cterminal fragment of protein TTHY)Cerbrospinal fluidNAMALDI-TOFGlioblastoma (Malignant brain tumor) Upregulated in cancer as compare to normal control 19674866
CancerPDF_ID8648 ANDESNEHSDVIDSQELSKVSREFHSHEFHSHEDMLVVDPKSKEEDKHLKFRISHELDSASSEVNOsteopontin ( C terminal fragment of protein OPN)Cerbrospinal fluidNAMALDI-TOFGlioblastoma (Malignant brain tumor) Upregulated in cancer as compare to normal control 19674866
CancerPDF_ID8649 MKWVTFISLLFLFSSAYSRGVFRRAlbumin peptide (N terminal fragment of protein albumin)Cerbrospinal fluidNAMALDI-TOFGlioblastoma (Malignant brain tumor) Downregulated in cancer as compare to normal control 19674866