• 011-26907444
  • raghava@iiitd.ac.in

Browse result page of AntiTbPdb

The total number entries retrieved from this search are 21
IDNameSequenceN-Terminal ModificationC-Terminal ModificationChemical ModificationLinear/CyclicLengthChiralityNatureSourceOriginSpeciesStrainInhibition ConcentrationIn vitro/ In vivoCell LineIntracellular InhibitionCytotoxicityAnimal ModelEffective Dose in model organismImmune ResponceMechanism of ActionTargetCombination TherapyOther ActivitiesYear of PublicationPubmed ID/ Patent No.
antitb_1144Nisin AI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region due to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium smegmatisMycobacterium smegmatis mc2155 NAIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1145Nisin AI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region due to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium tuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra NAIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1146Nisin AI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region due to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium kansasiiMycobacterium kansasii CIT11/06 NAIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1147Nisin AI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region due to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium aviumMycobacterium avium subsp. Hominissuis (CIT05/03)NAIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1148Nisin AI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region due to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium aviumMycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (ATCC 19698) NAIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1149Nisin VI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANVK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium smegmatisMycobacterium smegmatis MC2155 2.2 mm zone of activity as compared to Nisin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1150Nisin VI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANVK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium tuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra 10% decrease in relative growth as compared to Nicin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1151Nisin VI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANVK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium kansasiiMycobacterium kansasii CIT11/06 20% decrease in relative growth as compared to Nicin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1152Nisin VI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANVK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium aviumMycobacterium avium subsp. Hominissuis (CIT05/03)16% decrease in relative growth as compared to Nicin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1153Nisin VI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANVK-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium aviumMycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (ATCC 19698) 23% decrease in relative growth as compared to Nicin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1154Nisin SI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMS-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium smegmatisMycobacterium smegmatis MC2155 4 mm zone of activity as compared to Nisin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1155Nisin SI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMS-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium tuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra 26% reductions in growth, relative to that brought about by nisin A In vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1156Nisin SI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMS-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium kansasiiMycobacterium kansasii CIT11/06 Relative growth was reduced by 29% compared to that which occurred in the presence of nisin A.In vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1157Nisin SI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMS-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium aviumMycobacterium avium subsp. Hominissuis (CIT05/03)28% reductions in growth, relative to that brought about by nisin A In vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1158Nisin SI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMS-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium aviumMycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (ATCC 19698) 19% decrease in growth as compare to the presence of Nicin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1159Nisin TI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMT-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium smegmatisMycobacterium smegmatis MC2155 2.7 mm zone of activity as compared to Nisin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1160Nisin TI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMT-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium tuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra 24% more inhibition as compared to nisin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1161Nisin TI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMT-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium kansasiiMycobacterium kansasii CIT11/06 24% more inhibition as compared to nisin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1162Nisin TI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMT-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium aviumMycobacterium avium subsp. Hominissuis (CIT05/03)16% more inhibition as compared to nisin AIn vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1163Nisin TI-(Dhb)-AI-(Dha)-LA-(Abu)-PGAK-(Abu)-GALMGANMT-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-ANASIHV-(Dha)-KFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acid, Lanthionine (Ala-S-Ala) formation from 3-7 Ala, and β-methyllanthionine (Abu-S-Ala) from 8-11, 13-19, 23-26, 25-28 in between Abu and AlaCyclic (5 hinge region dur to presence of lanthion34LNANaturalProduced by Lactococcus lactis Mycobacterium aviumMycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (ATCC 19698) 27% decrease in growth relative to nisin A In vitroNoneNANANone NANANANANoneAntibacterial (Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella, S. aureus, S. agalactiae and L. monocytogenes)201021468208
antitb_1549NisinAI-(Dhb)-A-I-D-L-A-(Dha)-P-G-A-K-(Abu)-G-A-L-M-G-A-N-M-K-(Abu)-A-(Abu)-A-N-S-I-H-V-(Dha)-LFreeFreeDha= Didehydroalanine, Dhb= Didehydroaminobutyric acid, Abu= 2-aminobutyric acidLinear33LCationicNANAMycobacterium tuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosis H37RvMIC = 60 μg/mlin vitroNANANANA NANANANANANA201525613372